Making Children Smile: Cosmetic Treatments for Younger People

January 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — rnrdentistry @ 11:04 am
Teen with a nice smile

A lot of the time, children and teens are the people most anxious about their appearance. While cosmetic dentistry can allow people to drastically change how they look for the better, these treatments are unfortunately often geared toward adults, despite the fact that many younger people could get a lot out of what they have to offer.

If you’re curious, there are several cosmetic treatments that children and teens can take advantage of, while there are some that may not be well-suited to them. Here’s what you should know about younger people and cosmetic dentistry.

What Kinds of Cosmetic Treatments Are Available to Children and Teens?

If your young one is a little bit concerned about how their teeth look, there are several different cosmetic options available to them. This means that no matter the issue that they’re dealing with, there is likely to be an aesthetic option available to them.

If your child has chipped or cracked a tooth, for example, they may benefit from direct bonding. This involves layering a tooth colored composite resin over the tooth and hardening it into place, erasing any damage to the tooth.

For more substantial issues there are veneers. These are small porcelain shells that can be layered onto the tooth, changing the shape, color, and alignment of their smile.

Sometimes, your child may complain that they have a “gummy” smile, or the shape of their gums may cause their perfectly straight teeth to look crooked. In this situation, gum recontouring can be used to change the appearance of the soft tissues in the mouth.

And if your child’s smile is actually misaligned, they may be interested in ClearCorrect Clear Braces to help correct this issue. That said, it’s worth noting that most dentists will wait until all of the permanent teeth come in before recommending orthodontics.

What Cosmetic Treatments are Bad or Children or Teens?

Fortunately, the list of treatments your child can’t get is much shorter than of the ones that they can. The primary procedure to worry about is teeth whitening, which can sometimes be problematic for younger people whose enamel isn’t fully developed. For them, teeth whitening may actually have the reverse effect, making their teeth appear darker.

Whether it’ll be possible for teens to get teeth whitening depends on the state of their oral development,  which means that you should have them consult a dentist before pursuing this treatment.

About the Author

Dr. Ramona Rivera is a dentist who has an immense amount of passion for her work, and loves nothing more than being able to form strong relationships with patients both new and old. Regardless of their age or the quality of their teeth, she loves nothing more than being able to help patients get their perfect smile. Dr. Rivera received her degree from the NYU School of Dentistry, and has certifications in Invisalign, Six Month Smiles, and adult conscious sedation.

If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry for younger people, she can be reached at her website or by phone at (916) 967-2217.

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