Fabulous Fixes: 3 Treatments for a Star-Worthy Smile

April 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — rnrdentistry @ 1:07 pm
Red carpet with stanchions to block the crowd

One of the first things people notice about you is your smile, and aesthetic imperfections are generally considered unattractive. If you’re feeling self-conscious about dental problems, you’re not alone. Even the rich and the famous invest in upgrading their grins. When you see their perfectly flawless teeth in movies, magazines, or on TV, it’s easy to feel like you don’t measure up.

Fortunately, your dentist can help with various cosmetic procedures. Although in the past only the wealthy could afford these services, that’s not the case anymore. Continue reading to learn 3 ways you can improve your smile to enhance your appearance!

Treatment #1: Teeth Whitening

The state of your smile can communicate a lot about you, and bright white teeth ensure that you’ll make a positive first impression. If yours are more yellow or brown, however, others might think you don’t know how to take care of yourself. Fortunately, your dentist can remove years’ worth of surface stains with professional teeth whitening. In a single, hour-long appointment, they can lighten your grin by several shades. If that doesn’t suit you, many providers also offer take-home kits using professional-grade gels that minimize potential sensitivity. They’ll even include customized application trays to maximize results.

Treatment #2: Veneers

Although they may be small, chips and cracks in your smile tend to draw attention to themselves. Even minor damage can impact your self-confidence when it’s easily noticed. Thankfully, several minor issues can be addressed with veneers. Your dentist bonds these thin, porcelain covers to the front of your tooth to mask issues like small breaks, stubborn stains, slight gaps, and even somewhat crooked teeth. They’re also color-matched to your grin so that once they’re in place, no one will know the difference. Whether you want to hide one or several flaws all at once, veneers are a versatile solution that masks them.

Treatment #3: Dental Bonding

If you’re looking for a cost-effective alternative to veneers, then you might benefit from dental bonding. Most of the same types of problems can be addressed, but instead of hiding them by covering the visible surface of your tooth, this method can fill in and repair certain problems. During this procedure, your dentist applies a small amount of putty-like composite resin directly to your tooth. Then, they mold it into the ideal shape and harden it in place with an ultraviolet curing light. This is the same material used to fill cavities and can be adapted to fix chips, cracks, and misshapen or unevenly spaced teeth. Plus, it’s also customized to match your smile’s natural hue.

The sooner you schedule a consultation with your dentist, the closer you’ll be to having a smile worthy of the red carpet!  

About the Author

Dr. Ramona Rivera strives to offer a full range of dental services in a restful and relaxing environment. She graduated from NYU School of Dentistry in 2010 and then from the Loma Linda University Maxi Dental Implant program. She’s a member of several professional dental organizations, including the American Academy of Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dentistry, so you know she’s a cosmetic dentist you can trust. She combines advanced technology with a personal approach to provide fully individualized treatments to meet even the most unique dental needs. If you’d like to upgrade the way you look, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (916) 967-2217.

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